Let’s Design Creative Graphic Solutions Together!
Meet the Designer: Alyson Marie
When I was growing up, I was always told to do something I love doing and I will never work a day in my life. It was the best advice I was ever given. My passion for graphic design started when I was a teenager. I found a way to creatively express myself. As I got older, I started to self-teach myself things about graphic design and ways to use Photoshop to create image composites and blends.
I attended an online academy and took courses in graphic design, web design and computer programming, although the accreditation I received at in the early 2000s, was from Europe and didn’t hold the same weight in America as it did overseas, I learned that graphic and web design was my passion.
In 2023 I graduated from New England Institute of Technology with a bachelor’s degree in graphics, multimedia, and web design. One of my favorite parts of the graphic design industry is the constant updating and changing of technology to improve the work and art that can be created. I have spent 5 years working with an international magazine company as their in-house graphic designer, manager, and social media administrator, which has increased my experience, skills, and drive to work in the design industry.
Through experiences at the magazine company, I was able to travel internationally and see my designs and publications in Amsterdam on the shelves in coffeeshops, greenhouses, and more! I want to provide the opportunity to offer creative visual solutions to individuals and small businesses. First in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, then throughout the world.

Alyson Marie Designs
Graphic, Multimedia, and Web Designer